School Uniform
School Uniform
From September 2022 we are required by law to let you know where you can get second-hand uniform; as a school we will be offering regular uniform exchange sessions where you will be able to donate and/or pick up clean and in good condition school uniform items.
New uniform items can be purchased from Wendy's Uniforms, Molly's Uniforms and Tesco. Please ask at the school office if you require any assistance.
Winter Uniform (September to the Easter Holidays)
- Grey or black trousers or skirts (not jogging bottoms or track suits)
- Blue shirts/polo shirts
- V-neck or crew neck maroon jumpers/sweatshirts
- Black shoes (not trainers)
- White or grey socks/tights
Summer Uniform (April to July)
The following may be worn as an alternative
- Blue checked/red checked dress
- Grey shorts
The Nursery uniform differs slightly from that outlined above and is set out in the 'Nursery Booklet' issued to all Nursery parents.
P.E Kit
The agreed school P.E. kit is as follows:
- Plain white t-shirt
- Black plain P.E. shorts
- pumps (not designer trainers)
- plain black or blue plain jogging bottoms (not designer) for outdoor PE sessions
Jewellery/Make up/Hair Art & Bows
Children must not wear an jewellery to school. Rings, bracelets and necklaces are safety hazards and are not covered for loss or damage by the school insurance. Only studs are allowed to be worn.
We do not expect our children to attend school with coloured nail varnish/nail extentions/acrylic nails or any other form of make-up. Hair art/huge bows are also not permitted.