Early Years Curriculum
The Foundation Stage at St. Paul's Peel C.E. Primary School is made up of a 39 fulltime place Nursery and two Reception classes (40 places). Throughout the Foundation Stage learning takes place through a combination of child initiated and adult modelled play activities and direct teaching. The classrooms are organised into areas of continuous provision including water, sand, role play, reading, writing, mathematics, small world, small and large construction, creative and malleable play. These areas of continuous provision are reflected in the outdoor environment where learning takes place on a daily basis.
It is in these areas that the children are given opportunities to explore the prime areas (Personal & Social, Communication & Language and Physical Development) and the specific areas of learning (Literacy, Numeracy, Understanding the World and Expressive art & design) as identified in the Foundation Stage curriculum.
Assessment in the Foundation stage is carried out through observations, short recorded individual assessments, through written observations with next steps and photographic evidence. These observations inform teachers' planning and provide the 'next steps' for your child's learning. Assessment evidence is kept in your child's 'Learning Journey' which parents are invited to share during parents' evenings/afternoons. Parents are invited to play an active role in their child's learning journey by writing 'Wow Moments' that their child has achieved/experienced outside school. A summative assessment of each child's attainment is made at the end of the Reception year against the early learning goals. In line with legislation, this assessment is shared with parents in the second half of the summer term.
The diagram below gives examples of the areas of learning and development and shows the links between the way in which your child learns and what they learn.