
What is it like to attend this school?

  • Pupils, and children in the early years, are happy at this warm and welcoming school. Relationships between staff and pupils are positive. This helps pupils to feel safe and secure.  Pupils try hard each day to ensure that their conduct reflects the school values of faith, hope and love.                                                              
  • Pupils understand the difference between bullying and falling out. If any bullying occurs, staff deal with it effectively.
  • Teachers expect pupils to work hard and to achieve well. Pupils try to live up to these expectations. However, in some subjects, including in the early years, the curriculum is not well designed. Some pupils, including those pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), are not well prepared for the next stage of their education.
  • Pupils usually try to behave well. However, some staff do not share leaders high expectations for pupils behaviour. On occasion, some pupils' positive behaviour lapses. They do not behave as well as they should.
  • Leaders make sure that pupils have plenty of opportunities to develop their interests and talents. Pupils enjoy attending clubs, such as hockey and craft club. Pupils are proud to represent the school in sporting events . They can also develop their speaking skills through taking part in local competitions . Older pupils take pride in being role models for younger pupils.

Ofsted Report 2017

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