Class 3 2024 - 2025

Miss O'Connor

A Taste of Daily Life in Class 3

Teacher: Miss O'Connor TA: Mrs Kelly

Each morning we come into school and start our day with a bagel and settling in time. We then start a morning activity to get our brains fired up and ready to learn. Next is our English lesson, beginning with a SPAG activity before moving onto our main task. Following on from English is playtime with milk and toast. We enjoy playtimes outside, using lots of equipment to play different games together. Our favourite thing to do at playtime is to go on the Trim Trail.

After playtime we have Maths, which begins with an arithmetic starter and times tables practise including interactive games.

Afternoons are jam-packed full of learning new things. Each afternoon begins with a SPAG or reading activity. It is a super busy week of Science, Geography, History, P.E, Jigsaw PSHE, Music, Computing, French and Art or D/T. We sometimes even squeeze in swimming! We love to be kept busy and on the go.

Reading is very important in Class 3 and something we love to share together. Children read 1:1 with an adult throughout the week in addition to enjoying a class read. There is also a chance of taking home the class ‘Bedtime Reading Box’, which includes the book of the term, a sachet of hot chocolate and some marshmallows to enjoy as a reward for lots of reading at home.

There are lots of rewards to be achieved in Class 3. These might be Dojo points, stickers and kindness coins. We earn our rewards for lots of different things such as being kind, using our manners or trying our best with a task set.

Every day is an adventure in Class 3!

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