Sunday Afternoon

Date: 7th Jun 2020 @ 3:36pm

Hello Everyone!

What a difference to the weather today compared to last Sunday.  I hope that you are all keeping safe and continue to follow the Government Guidelines.

As mentioned in my last blog, we are slowly and cautiously offering some groups of some year groups (Year 6, Reception and Year 1) the opportunity to come back to school in a phased way.  

Please do not send your child back to school unless you have been told that your child has a place and also that you have received a letter stating the new routines.  Any pupil not on the register for that day will not be allowed to stay in school. I am working to very strict guidelines regarding pupil numbers, staff numbers and classroom sizes.

Thank you for all the entries, so far, for the writing competition - the closing date is Friday 12th June - so you still have time to enter.

Keep safe 

Miss Barker

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